This page is part of a global project to create a better online reviews system. If you want to know more or give your feedback, write at [email protected] and we’ll grab a beer ;)

A study $^1$ shows that 85% of people don’t leave online reviews because of a lack of time and motivation. Although the statistic may be debated (as it depends on who’s asking and respondents might not be aware of their unconscious reasons for not leaving a review), it highlights the importance of time sensitivity for people.

The effects of questionnaire length on participation and response quality are well-documented $^2$. Survey providers constantly advise keeping surveys as short as possible to improve participation and quality of responses.

However, when it comes to online reviews, long and detailed comments are often considered more helpful and trustworthy (see “All Reviews Don’t Count the Same”). Valuable feedback takes more time, creating a tradeoff between the time it takes and the quality of replies.

<aside> 💡 Exploration


$^1$ Checkatrade, 2021

$^2$ Effects of Questionnaire Length on Participation and Indicators of Response Quality in a Web Survey Get access Arrow, Galesic and Bosnjak, 2009

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➡️ Next up: Not the right time