This page is part of a global project to create a better online reviews system. If you want to know more or give your feedback, write at [email protected] and we’ll grab a beer ;)

Consider this common scenario: a reviewer gives a rating without a comment. This type of review is less trustworthy than one where the reviewer took the time to describe their experience. Despite this, both ratings impact the average equally. Even short comments don’t offer much help to readers who seek useful information, and still count the same.

I bet you wouldn’t consider this review

I bet you wouldn’t consider this review

A comprehensive meta-analysis by Watson and Wu $^1$ analyzed customers' perceptions of online reviews, gathering many existing papers on the topic. It outlines various parameters that determine a review's credibility. Based on this article, additional literature and my understanding, here are a few criteria that influence the credibility of a review:

Companies are aware that reviews don’t carry the same weight and adjust the average rating based on other characteristics (e.g., Amazon, Trustpilot). However, these adjustments are often opaque, and the specifics of the algorithm are not disclosed. One certainty is that newer reviews are weighted more heavily.

<aside> 💡 Exploration:
