This page is part of a global project to create a better online reviews system. If you want to know more or give your feedback, write at [email protected] and we’ll grab a beer ;)

This is probably one of the most important issues.

Although users have opinions (as their expectations are either met or not, see “Expectations, Subjectivity, Standards & Risks”), they often don’t know what to say about their experience. They have a feeling but don’t express it, even to themselves.

Part of the reason is that they don’t know what score to choose to accurately reflect their experience (see “Unclear scale” and “Nuances”). While they could still describe their experience in a comment, they often suffer from a blank-page syndrome.

Adidas knows their customers may have a hard time leaving a review and tries to help them with this “not sure what to say” paragraph.

Adidas knows their customers may have a hard time leaving a review and tries to help them with this “not sure what to say” paragraph.

It’s fine—people probably don’t have to review everything all the time (we’ll cover the problems it causes at the society level). Most people just want to go about their lives without constantly reviewing their experiences (see “Feeling bad judging people”). Despite this, businesses keep asking for feedback, and users still extensively check online reviews before purchasing anything. They expect others to give feedback while not knowing what to say themselves. We’re stuck.

The greatest signal a customer could give is coming back or not. This works for some industries (e.g., neighborhood services and shops), but not for all (e.g., the travel industry). A traveler passing through might not return, but that doesn’t mean their experience was bad.

That being said, we can probably help customers formalize their opinion when they have one.

<aside> 💡 Exploration

Give your opinion!

➡️ Next up: “Will they read it anyway?”