This page is part of a global project to create a better online reviews system. If you want to know more or give your feedback, write at [email protected] and we’ll grab a beer ;)

Let’s distinguish between public and private reviews:

In this article, we’re focusing on public reviews, though many principles and obstacles apply to both.

Reasons for writing a review combine altruism, emotional needs, personal benefits, social connection, and self-enhancement $^1$.

Research shows that consumers’ decisions to leave a review often hinge on the quality of their experience $^2$. The motivation varies based on whether the intent is positive (“I’m overall satisfied”), negative (“I’m overall disappointed”), or neutral (“I have both positive and negative feedback”).

Here’s a list of reasons for leaving an organic review online, based on research and my own insights:

These main categories of reasons can overlap. For example, a user might leave a review to recommend a business (altruism), thank them (emotional need), and share their experience (emotional need)—something commonly seen on Airbnb. Self-enhancement is often intertwined with other reasons, such as feeling proud when warning others about issues. Social connection, as reviews form a kind of social network, is almost always a motivating factor.

Catalysts are factors that trigger these motivations: